CZW High Stakes IV
1. Devon Moore vs. Lucky 2. Alex Colon LJ Cruz vs. Irish Driveby (Rich Swann Ryan McBride) 3. Eddie Kingston vs. Nick Gage 4. JC Bailey vs. xOMGx 5. Drake Younger vs. BBoy (CZW World Heavyweight Title Match) 6. Greg Excellent vs. Drew Blood (CZW Junior Heavyweight Title Match) 7. Egotistico Fantastico vs. Scotty Vortekz 8. Danny Havoc Necro Butcher vs. The Switchblade Conspiracy (Jon Moxley Sami Callihan) 9. The Best Around (Bruce Maxwell TJ Cannon) vs. BLKOUT (Eddie Kingston Sabian) (CZW Tag Team Title High Stakes Ladder Match)