Prabhat Samgiita N3330 Tumi sabar ashar alo
PS from DMS on Germany (Madhu Karuna), RAWA. Vocal and acoustic guitar Ravi. (One of mine most liked PS) TUMI SABÁR ÁSHÁR ÁLO, TUMI SABÁR PRÁŃERA PRADIIP NIKAŚA KÁLOY SHUBHRA ÁLOY, MADHU MÁKHÁ TUMI JE NIIP TUMI SABÁR PRÁŃERA PRADIIP ÁLO ÁNDHÁRERI KHELÁY, ÁÁ ÁLO ÁNDHÁRERI KHELÁY, VYAKTA TUMI VISHVA LIILÁY ARUP MÁJHE RÚPER MELÁY, KABHU RIJU KABHU PRATIIP TUMI SABÁR PRÁŃERA PRADIIP TOMÁY ÁMI BHÁLOBÁSI, ÁÁ TOMÁY ÁMI BHÁLOBÁSI, TOMÁR TAREI KÁNDI HÁSI MOR SAKAL TAMASÁ NÁSHI, MANER SUDHÁY ESO ADHIIP TUMI SABÁR PRÁŃERA PRADIIP TUMI SABÁR ÁSHÁR ÁLO, TUMI SABÁR PRÁŃERA PRADIIP O Lord, To all you are the only ray of hope. To every heart. You are the lamp within. In Cimmerian darkness, you are the dazzling white effulgence. You are the kadamba flower sweetened with honey. In the eternal play of light and shade, you manifest yourself in your universal divine sport. In the midst of formlessness, and myriads, of form, you are sometimes straight and sometimes angular. I love you For you only I laugh and weep D