German reacting to Реакция немца на московское метро Русские субтитры
Support the original creator: My instagram: Telegram group: h t t p FAQ: Why are you talking in English and not in German The creator of the subtitles is Alyona, a Russian girl. She doesn t speak German. In order for her to be able to understand me I therefore have to speak English. Can I recommend you songs for reactions You can try but chances are low I will react to your songs. NOT because I don t want to, but simply because I have so many songs I need to react to. Why don t you react to something manly, such as Hard Rock or Metal Because this is not really my type of music. If I still force myself to react to it, my reaction will most likely be shitty. I am more into melodic and jazzy stuff, even though Jazz is not really what you will find on this channel, either. Song used in the background: Know Myself Patrick Patr