Sims Free Play , LIVE EVENT , PALM PERFECTION, ( Early Access)
Sims FreePlay , LIVE EVENT , PALM PERFECTION, (Early Access) This video was made possible by, EAGameChangers A special thanks to EA, FIREMONKEYS for giving JCFINGER (early access) to this build in order to share with viewers. Join this channel to get access to perks: DISCLAIMER: This video is intended for viewers OVER THE AGE OF 13 Here are the playable event dates for this update (ALL DATES IN PST): Update Schedule: Palm Perfection Tour: NEW Star Wars May the Fourth Lightsaber Wall Lights Fighter Pilot outfit free pack NEW Downtown Developer 4: 30day event that can be started anytime from 3 May NEW SimChase Season 28 Poolside Perils : 9day event starting from 3 May NEW Palm Perfection Live Event: 10day e