Trying To Get The Best Tools For Planting a Food Plot for our 2021 Whitetail Deer Hunting Season, just Like Stoney Ridge Farmer does on his Farm. We found some Tractor Implements on Craigslist that will work with my 1952 Ford 8N Tractor. We are getting a tractor disc, otherwise called a Disc Harrow and a seed spreader. Both attach to the PTO on my tractor. We also get a creep feeder and auger while we are there for our sweet neighbors. This will be our 1st year using the tractor for our deer food plots. Last year we rented a Harley Rake for the Bobcat T770. It worked great at tilling the land, but the seeds didn t grow well in our soil. We have sent off for a soil, water Forage Analytical Laboratory test from OSU Agriculture Extension Office. This is such a busy exciting part of the year for all Deer Hunting Prep Let s GROW ANTLERS ,TractorDisc, SeedSpreader, DeerFoodPlots To view this video again on Trying To Get The Best Tools For Planting a Food Plot Like Stoney Ridge FarmerREPLAY www.