Tearing The Black Box Breathe
Breathe is the second official single release from Tearing The Blackbox. TTBB is a collaboration between Canadian musician, producer Kelly Cook (exMoev) and Dutch musician, producer Frank Weyzig (Born For Bliss, Vaselyne, exClan of Xymox). Video by Dorothée Meddens Tearing The BlackBox: Kelly Cook: production, instruments Frank Weyzig: production, vocals, instruments Frank Weyzig and Kelly Cook first met when Clan of Xymox and Moev were touring the USA during the summer of 1989. Frank and Kelly then became friends but lost contact. Now, in the present time, they connected again and in the beginning of 2020 they started working on new music. Since Kelly is based in Vancouver, Canada and Frank lives in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, they had to bounce their audio files back and forth, over the internet, across the ocean. In the beginning it was just something they did for fun but along the way, these first ideas became complete song structures and subsequently these songs became full grown mixes