Retro VR, 2, , Jaron Lanier, VPL, and The Eye Phone
In this video I give a brief overview of Jaron Lanier and the company he founded with Thomas G. Zimmerman in 1984. That company was VPL Research (Virtual Programming Languages) and was among the first to be focused on creating virtual reality hardware and software. Jaron Lanier is also credited with coining the term, Virtual Reality PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING IMMERSED ROBOT ON PATREON: PURCHASE MY VIRTUAL REALITY SCIENCEFICTION NOVEL THE MEMORY ENGINE : Kindle, paperback (UK): Kindle, paperback (US): Audible (UK): Audible (US): IMMERSED ROBOT MERCH: PC SPECS (+ AFFILIATE LINKS ON AMAZON): Gigabyte RTX 3080 Graphics Card (no current link) Ryzen 5 5600X CPU 32Gb DDR 4 3600MHz RAM 1TB Sabrant Rocket M. 2