There is NO Solution to the Homeless Problem in San Francisco, California Anymore
This is nuts 17, 000 people on the streets here without a plan. If youve ever been to San Francisco in the last ten years, theres no doubt you probably saw a lot of homeless people. But unless you actually go into certain parts of town, you wont actually see just how bad the homeless problem is in one of the richest cities in the nation. And whats terrible about it is that the citys efforts arent addressing the core root of the problem. And its getting worse here, too. Now I drove all around San Francisco on an early morning in late October in 2021. I had just left Oakland, where the homelessness is also a big problem. Theres 5, 000 homeless people in Oakland and that number is growing, too. But over here across the bridge, that number is triple. Unlike Oakland, here in San Francisco there are a lot of homeless people in the downtown area, but it might not be as widespread as you think. In the nice areas on the north end of town, there are homeless stragglers in pockets, and tents on some sidew