Christian Dance, The Holy Kingdom Has Appeared, Praise Song
Christian Dance, The Holy Kingdom Has Appeared , Praise Song I God incarnate has come among humans, and He expresses the truth to cleanse people. Hearing God s voice, we return before Him and attend the wedding feast of Christ. By experiencing judgment we re purified, our disposition is changed, and we become new people. Fearing God, we bow down to Him in worship, praising His holiness and righteousness. We re willing to submit and offer our sincerity to God, loyally fulfilling our duty. God, we will love You forever, eternally singing praises to You. We re willing to submit and offer our sincerity to God, loyally fulfilling our duty. God, we will love You forever, eternally singing praises to You. II God expresses the truth to judge the world, His righteousness fully revealed. The evil forces that resist God are punished and destroyed. God has renewed all things for His use and enjoyment. This is no longer a filthy,