If I Fell The Beatles Full Instrumental Recreation (4 K)
I seriously can t get enough of this Rickenbacker 12string. I swear it sounds like an electric piano on If I There s such magic on this track. Something about the interplay between George s wonderful fingerpicking, those soaring harmonies, John s wistful lyrics. God. It s romantic, isn t it Speaking of love, there s a lot to love musically. First, there s John s unique, masterful rhythm strumming (including on an intro that s an entirely different key than the rest of the song). George plays understated, bizarrely complicated miniarpeggios which, if played on enough consecutive takes, will ABSOLUTELY give you carpel tunnel syndrome. Ringo again defines a song with simplistic genius with his ratatattat snare fills. Paul, unbelievably, is pretty understated here (just kidding, he knew when to cede the spotlight). And, of course, the magical harmonies. Wonderful.