Look At Britain 3 AKA Looking At Britain (1954)
A British Travel Association film. Commentary by Edward Ward. Cilgerran ( ) Castle in South Wales. 01:06:54 Traditional fisherman lifts a coracle (wicker boat) onto his back. Fisherman picks up his oar and walks towards the bank of the Tithe ( ) river with his dog following. He puts is nets into Th. coracle and pushes off from the banks. Narrator relates the history of the coracle, he tells how Julius Caesar ordered his soldiers to make coracles during a war against Spain. L, S of man floating down the river. C, Us of foaming rapids of the river Tithe ( ). 01:08:23 Various shots of the river. Narrator briefly relates how a coracle is made we see a boatmaker working with strus of soaked willow. He planes the willow and then threads it into the framework of the boat he is making. Various shots of the boat taking shape. More shots of the wild rapids of the local rivers and of man paddling along in his coracle. For the visitor who comes this way the Tithe promises a cheap and rare experie