The Black sisters, So cold
READ Song: Ben Cocks So cold I DON T OWN ANYTHING This video about Bellatrix, Andromeda, Narcissa and their families. I like history about Black Sisters, so I made this video. I tried to show all events, which were or mean in the book. Enjoy Cast: Bellatrix Ella Purnella, Helena Bonham Carter Andromeda Izzy MeikleSmall, Keira Knightley, Helena Bonham Carter Narcissa Saoirse Ronan, Rosamund Pike, Helen McCrory Druella Black Eva Green, Charlotte Rampling Ted Tonks James McAvoy, Colin Firth Lucius Malfoy Jason Isaacs Rodolphus Lestrange Kenneth Branagh Voldemort Ralph Fiennes Draco Malfoy Tom Felton Nyphadora Tonks Ramona Marquez, Natalia Tena Severus Snape Alan Rickman Sirius Black Garry Oldman Albus Dumbledore Michael Gambon br, br,