October Patreon release from White Werewolf Tavern Furious Dead Clan
October Patreon release from White Werewolf Tavern Furious Dead Clan, fantasy 3d miniatures, figurines stl for your games paint and collect (dnd rpg tabletop boardgames): Furious Dead Clan 25 unique miniatures: Urgaz the intimidator diorama heroic miniature Larsael the Lightning 32mm and 75mm heroic miniature Gashnakh Ferocious 32mm and 75mm heroic miniature Orc beast, huge creature Orc warriors male set 6 miniatures 32mm Orc warriors female set 6 miniatures 32mm Corrapted orcs 6 miniatures 3 Busts Welcome Chest busts (3 miniatures) Mad Gallarta bust Viking bust Demon Huntress bust Welcome Chest includes 12 unique miniatures STL: Oleana the Werewolf Queen Kunar the Giant Slayer Demon Huntress Diorama Give me the eggs Amphipaha Common Slimer Slimer with Hamburger Happy Slimer Pixie bust Minotaur bust Werewolf bust White Werewolf Shield You can get this miniatures (stl for 3d printing) right now by becoming our patron here: Our Instagram Our Facebook Regards WWTeam