Fire Toolz Eternal Homecoming video collage (w, fan submissions) Side C: Interfaith Fatigue
Download, purchase: 0:00 3:30 Where On EARTH Is My Sacchidānanda 6:59 Advaita huffling 10:40 Window 2 Window 2 Window 2 Window 14:50 Awakening Fantasy II 18:32 Window 2 Window 2 Window 2 Window 2 Window This video is archival footage of the Eternal Homecoming Live Stream event that took place 10, 14, 2021 on the Hausu Mountain Twitch channel. It contains official music videos as well as fansubmitted videos, which were then collaged processed by Angel Marcloid to accompany the songs specifically for the stream. List of video contributors for the whole video program: Pizza Roger Stephenson Aidan, Alex Tripp beep boop theory Beyn bonkoloid Brandon Brown Bryce P, Corey daffodil (http