Blood Debt: Feudal Familial Law in the Balkans
In some parts of the Balkans, families still live by a centuriesold law called the Canon, which recognizes the right to vengeanceif a man from one family kills another, the family of the victim must respond in kind. This debt is usually executed by the eldest male member of the family. It is his duty to avenge his loved oneif he refuses, he declared a coward and renounced by his family. VICE Serbia recently traveled from East Montenegrowhere some families have experienced four cycles of vengeanceto the north of Albania, where some children never leave their homes in fear of being killed. Along the way they spoke with families of murder victims who, disappointed by the corruption of the official justice system, have taken judgment and punishment into their own hands. Up Next: Russian Grave Diggers: Also check out The VICE Guide to the Balkans: Learn about Why James Burns is Voluntarily Going into Solitary Confi