Marine Corps Lt. Col. to SECDEF, CJCS, Combatant Commander: We Demand Accountability
Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller, the current Battalion Commander for Advanced Infantry Training Battalion, took a huge risk yesterday in releasing a scathing video that calls out the senior leadership all the way up the chain of command to the Secretary of Defense for messing up this pull out from Afghanistan. Specifically, he cites the decision to pull out of Bagram Air Field noting that it appears that nobody in the chain of command was willing to risk their job in order to advise against such an abjectly flawed strategy, did any of you throw your rank on the table and say, hey maybe it s a bad idea to pull out of Bagram Air Field, the strategic airbase, before we evacuate everyone And when you didn t think do that, did anyone raise their hand and say we completely messed this up He goes on to point out that all the people who died in Afghanistan may have died in vain if the senior military leadership is unwilling to take responsibility for their outright failure in pulling out of A