Mi STer FPGA How to build configure, demo, cost, and pros, cons ( Winter 2020, 2021)
Ep 22 : MiSTer FPGA and hardware emulation: what it is, why you might want it, and how to build and configure your own. Demo of console and arcade cores plus Minimig (Amiga) and ao486. Costs involved and the pros and cons of hardware emulation. retrobitstv on Twitter Introduction and Background 00:00 Unbox and Build 03:13 Configuration 11:00 SCART RGB Cable 14:18 Gaming Core Demonstration 16:48 Minimig Amiga and ao486 Cores 20:49 Cost, Pros, Cons, and Conclusion 24:40 MiSTer Project Home Retro Bits is supported via Amazon and eBay Affiliate Links: Terasic DE10 Nano Kit MiSTer I, O Board (Standard)