effects of the bit
Translations, subtitles 4. 1 A. Nevzorov (off screen): The key thing here is not to keep track of whether a horse has jumped over the painted sticks or not, but simply to look into its eyes and into its mouth to see the sufferings behind the glitter, to whip your attention from the action whether it has jumped over or not to the horse itself that is not difficult to do. 4. 2 A. Nevzorov (on screen): Well, here everything can be seen clearly. Here is the tongue. As you know, the tongue is a place where nerve endings and all kinds of different taste receptions are concentrated, it is a very sensitive part of the body. And you can see that, once the tongue is squeezed by the bit, it is not only jammed and pushed back, but it is also dragged back and stiffed into the horse s throat, in fact, the tongue is right there. Yes, yes, here is where you can see how far back into the throat it is stiffed through the action of human hands and the bit. Physiologists classify the ki