Busted ( From Phineas and Ferb) but its Megalovania
So you know how both these songs have the same chord progression This thing started out with me thinking hey wouldn t it be funny if I and ended with me spending 3 days in after effects and blender throwing this hot mess together. In the end it was totally worth it. If at any point you re working on a project and have to stop and think to yourself is this really worth all the effort I m putting into it the answer is and shall always be HECK YES Also thought it d be a good idea to whip up a 3D environment of the hall of judgement, which I modelled in about 30 minutes due to not being able to find an existing model online to download :P If I had just a liiiiiitle bit more passion for this project I would have spent much more time on it and the final result would have looked ten times better