FGO Uesugi Kenshin ( Ruler) NPC Demo 上杉謙信 Fate, Grand Order
Noble Phantasm Biten Hassou Shiranui (Bishamonten s Eight Phases Mysterious Light) Increases Kenshin s Arts performance for 1 turn (increases with Overcharge) before removing their buffs and dealing ST damage that deals bonus damage to Man attribute enemies Fortune For The Heavens, Armour For The Chest, Feats For The Feet A Increases Uesugi Kenshin s crit damage and star weight and grants her a twoproc evasion for 3 turns White Blaze A Increases Kenshin s Arts performance for 3 turns, charges her NP gauge and gain star per turn for 3 turns Biten s Treasured Pagoda C Increases Overcharge by 2 for 1 time, attack and NP gain of a single ally for 3 turns PU3 when , fgo