Gizelle Bass Bin Selectah meets Tiddles Underground
Special set from Gizelle for Chris Liberator s Old School, Techno, Acid. . Gizelle has been spinning dance music since the heady days of the early acid house explosion on the London underground scene in the late 80s, playing at parties alongside the likes of Mr C, Evil Eddie Richards, Billy Nasty and Mickey Finn in the early days of their careers. Following her romance with early acid house raves and still passionate about the underground music scene, Gizelle became involved with the Zero Gravity collective parties in Hackney in 1994 and it was here where she first met Lawrie Immersion and the Liberator DJs. Lawrie invited her to DJ on the legendary Immersion Sound System, which soon became an ongoing mission playing every weekend on the free party scene and having loads of fun. She became a key player in delivering the new underground sound of London Acid Techno in the midlate 90s, playing alongside techno comrades Lawrie Immersion, Chris, Aaron and Julian Liberator,