Terraria Overhaul 3 D 2. 0 + Total Madness Playing Terraria Overhaul in 1. 4, 1
Last year, I did make a playthrough series with the Terraria overhaul. Back then, I haven t actually played a Terraria overhaul, despite its popularity. It was an insane mod, if you ask me: A lot of new feature, whole new mechanics that kinda confused me, and a fire. Fire that took everything from me. It was Terraria overhaul did get a port to tMod 1. 4; it s not what we expected though, since most of the contents are actually cut, or unimplemented. Still, it s a great mod to play, especially with other mods. So, Here s my attempt of playing Terraria overhaul in Journey s +++++++++++++++++++++ GPortal, the service that allows you to rent a server for your multiplayer game is our sponsor Click the link to get 10 discount +++++++++++++++++++++ Credits Here s the link of other s work showcased in this video, if any. overhaul itself: steam