DFC Tournament V
1. Aiden Rayne vs. Matt Cash (Deathproof Tournament V First Round Hell s Kitchen Match) 2. Jesse Amato vs. Vander Cruz (Deathproof Tournament V First Round Barefoot Lego Match) 3. Mark Shaw vs. Tyller Hill (Deathproof Tournament V First Round Slaughterville Slugger Match) 4. Eric Cairnie vs. Nick Watts (Deathproof Tournament V First Round Stapple Gun Fun Match) 5. JT Kirk (c) vs. Aila Iolana vs. Felicity vs. Jessie Mack vs. Matthew Grant vs. Vander Cruz (DFC Youngblood Title Russian Roulette Elimination Tables Match) 6. Deathproof Tournament V Semi Final Pain In The Ass Match 7. Danny Orlando vs. Zakk Atticus (DFC Title Match) 8. Deathproof Tournament V Semi Final Best Two Out Three Falls Barbed Wire Web Match 9. Bill Chase vs. Warhed 10. Deathproof Tournament V Final No Rope, Mo Mats, House Of Horrorshow Match