Tearin Up My Heart, NSYNC, funk cover ft. Michael Mayo
Sign up to the 25 tier by Feb. 28 to get our Best of 2020 vinyl : Listen on Spotify: Listen on iTunes: Join the community: Recorded precorona obviously Hope everybodys doing ok out there. Ok, heres the deal: we buy a lot of our gear from It turns out that they have an affiliate program every time someone clicks on the link below and buys something, Scary Pockets actually gets paid a small affiliate fee. So we hope that the gear list below not only gives you a sense of the equipment we use to make music, but that it actually helps Scary Pockets build a sustainable business as well. That said, ENJOY: GEAR LIST Drums: 1964 Ludwig Gold Sparkle Bass: 1965 Fender PBass Guitar: 1971 Guild m75 Bluesbird Keys: Wurlitzer 200, Juno 60 Amps: Magnatone 410x, 1957 Fender Havard, Quilter, Bell Howell, Noble DI Console: UA 610 Mics Vocal: