Elvis Presley Where no one stands alone
Elvis PresleyWhere no one stands Movie produced and publiced by Harald van den Dool Comments: This song means a lot to I had lost everything a man could the darkest and most desolate time in my so the first verse rings and I wept, Oh Lord, don t hide Your Face from I still weep when I sing this song though the Lord Jesus has healed and restored my life and answered so many prayers (which I owe much to George Muller for teaching me how to really pray through a book called Answered Prayers or something like that. I learned George built 5 orphanages simply through prayer and never asking anyone for money except that the Father, through faith in His dear Son, and for His dear Son s sake might be pleased to provide their daily needs. I have sought after that to live my life much more by simply prayer and To the Lord Christ Jesus be the praise for Elvis his gospel even nonChristian