Whats The Cost Of Being The Hardest Workers In The World , Deciphering Japan, Episode 2, 4
Japan s work ethic famously propelled it into a first world nation and the Japanese are known to work some of the longest hours in the world. Ironically, it is among the least productive economies today and one that has remained stagnant for over two decades. Washingtonbased journalist Yumi Araki heads back to her native home to find out why the Japanese work so hard. As the nation grapples with the COVID19 pandemic and with ever greater economic pressures, Yumi also explores if that unbending dedication to work is changing. She meets people across a spectrum of the nations workforce: from overworked salarymen at their wits end and the therapists trying to keep them sane, to farmers obsessed with growing the perfect fruit and university students preparing for Japan s notorious job hunting season. Playlist: For more, SUBSCRIBE to CNA INSIDER Abou