Spider Man: Power and Responsibility ( Fan Film)
In denial of the truth behind his Uncle s death, Peter Parker must discover what kind of hero he wants to be. All the while, Doctor Octopus and the Sinister Six are tearing apart New York City. Written and Directed by Eric Elliott Starring: Eric Elliott as Peter Parker, SpiderMan Emma Beach as Gwen Stacy Noah Perchard as Harry Osborn Myles Mayo as Flash Thompson Colin Baker as Matt Murdock Shawn Parsons as Max Dillon, Electro and Kevin Noseworthy as Otto Octavius, Doctor Octopus and featuring the voice of Rambing Rob O Dwyer Doc Ock Arm VFX created by CipherFilms This film is our most ambitious project yet. After two and a half years in development, the first chapter of SpiderMan: The Web Series is here. Remember; with great power, comes great responsibility. Eric (TheLonelySpider) , spidermanf