Alive and Kicking Sarah Menescal
Sarah Menescal is the singer who has brought the bossa nova till an absolutely new place. Owner of a gorgeous voice and surrounded of an incredible crew of producers and musician she has arrived to the record studios with a solid career on her back. (Vintage Café, Jazz and 80s series, etc). On our artistic profit they have recorded this amazing album: The Voice of the New Bossa Nova giving extreamly sensitive versions of pop hits like Here Comes The Sun, The Game of Love, Something and Dont Speak among many others. Sarah Menescal es la cantante que ha llevado a la Bossa Nova hasta un lugar absolutamente nuevo. Dueña de una voz preciosa y rodeada de una increíble crew de productores y músicos que han llegado a los estudios con una sólida trayectoria. (Vintage Café, Jazz and 80s, etc ). Este sorprendente álbum: The New Voice of Bossa, ha dado versiones sumamente sensibles del éxitos pop como Here Comes The Sun