Billy Dinah The Punisher , , Mr. Perfectly Fine
Started to work on this some months ago, and finally finished it. At first, I wanted edit that song to Darklina, but it was already done and in a very good way several times perphaps I will still do my own version for Darklina one day despise that, but I didn t see the interest of doing it right now, and I realized that the song suited very well too my other big ship for Ben Barnes, Billy and Dinah from The Punisher and there s not enough edits on them anyway Quite happy with the result, always such a pleasure to edit these two. Hope you will enjoy it :) Fandom Characters : Billy Russo Dinah Madani, The Punisher. Song : Mr. Perfectly Fine by Taylor Swift. Coloring : Circles by Alessa Belikov. Program : SVP14. , fanvidfeed, thepunisher, billyrusso, jigsaw, dinahmadani, benbarnes, amberroserevah, marvel