HBO Max Cartoon Network Studios: Adventure Time: Distant Lands, Comic Con Home 2021
What time is it Its time for more adventure in the land of Ooo and beyond with Adventure Time: Distant Lands, based on the Emmyand Peabody Awardwinning Cartoon Network series Adventure Time from creator Pendleton Ward and executive producer Adam Muto. Join moderator Bex TaylorKlaus (Blaine) as they deep dive into the recent special, Together Again, and preview the upcoming Wizard City along with Adam Muto (executive producer), John DiMaggio (Jake), Mace Montgomery Miskel (Pep), and Toks Olagundoye (Dr. Caledonius). Uncover some secrets, hear behindthescenes stories and stick around until the very end for a special sneak peek at the upcoming Adventure Time: Distant Lands Wizard City. Its going to be James Baxter good