Chris Harris vs the Lamborghini Sián: an 807bhp, 217mph, V12 hybrid, Top Gear: Series 30
In this teaser from the upcoming series of Top Gear, Chris Harris gets behind the wheel of the Sián Lamborghini s first foray into hybridity. But this isn t a petrolsipping ecomobile no , Sherlock we hear you cry no, it stars Lambo s famous V12 and doesn t even have a traditional hybrid battery. The hybrid system, instead, is powered by a supercapacitor lighter and faster discharging than a lithiumion battery and is largely used to torquefill through gear changes. Sound intriguing Let s see what Chris makes of this new handful from the raging Want to see the full review Tune in to new Top Gear this Sunday 8pm on BBC One. Subscribe to Top Gear for more videos: WATCH MORE TOP GEAR: Top Gear Series 29: Geneva Online Motor Show: First Look: MORE ABOUT TOP GEAR: Want to watch a bit of Top Gear on the internet Welcome to the most comprehensive collection of official clips you l