Spiders Web From the My Halloween album by In A Halloween Songs for Kids
This song Spider s Web singing I m making a web for Halloween. If I tiptoe across I won t be seen. Spinning, spinning all night long. While the children dream. Soon my web will be ready for Halloween. I m making a web for Halloween. If I tiptoe across I won t be seen. Spinning, spinning all night long, while the children dream. Soon my web will be ready for Halloween. Spinning my web. Tying the strands. Eight long legs I use like hands. My web is sticky and it looks like strings. It helps catch flies and moths and all sorts of things. My web is woven, oh so tight. You might hear music when I walk across at night. In the morning all covered with dew. You ll see the web I made for you. I m making a web for Halloween. If I tiptoe across I won t be seen. Spinning, spinning all night long, while the children dream. Soon my web will be ready for Halloween. I m making a web for Halloween. If I tiptoe across I won t be seen.