Mountbatten Unveils Nehru Portrait (1947)
Unissued, unused material. India House, London. Krishna speaking accepting portrait of Nehru speaking about leader Lord Louis Mountbattens sits down after unveiling portrait of Pandit Jawarhal Nehru, first Prime Minister of Independent India (on wall behind him). M, S Krishna Menon, Indian High Commissioner, giving speech accepting portrait as a gift. The assembly rises and stars to sing Indian National anthem. M, S Mountbatten starts to speak. Various shots Lord and Lady Mountbatten leaving India House, they shake hands with Menon. Various shots other European and Indian dignitaries leaving house. Pamela Mountbatten chats to Menon. Inside hall. Longer sequence showing assembly singing Indian national anthem. M, S Mrs Mistry giving speech about India s gratitude to Mountbatten. C, U Menon speaking. M, S Mountbatten unveiling portrait. Natural sound. Cuts from item in Gazette issue 47, 93. FILM A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ