My 80 year old grandfather taught me this trick with pork So quick and tasty
My 80yearold grandpa taught me this pork trick So quick and delicious. This recipe includes juicy pork that needs to be marinated in sparkling water and spices, then fried until golden brown. Potatoes baked with parmesan and olive oil are the perfect side dish. Light eggplant fried until crispy and complemented with fresh cherry tomatoes and dill create a bright and tasty combination. The result is a hearty and flavorful dish that will delight you with its rich flavor. The video has subtitles. Select your language. Subtitles are available in all languages. YOU CAN ENABLE SUBTITLES by clicking the cc text in the upper right corner and the three dots in the upper right corner of the video and clicking TRANSLATE. Recipe: Pork 11. 5 kg. (3553 oz) Sparkling water 0. 5 l. (17 fl oz) Salt 1 tsp Pepper to taste. Paprika 1 tsp Oregano 1 tsp Dried garlic 1 tsp Milk 70 ml. (2. 5 fl oz). Leave for 30 minutes. Potatoes 23 pcs.