HUMILIATED EU JUST SLAMMED Biden Over Trade War, Sparks Tension Between US And EU
HUMILIATED EU JUST SLAMMED Biden Over Trade War, Sparks Tensions Between US And EU , europe , energy , crisis The European Union has expressed concern about the US s 369 billion climate spending plan. In fact, there has been disagreement between EU officials and a highranking US official regarding this issue. John Podesta, who works for President Joe Biden and helps with clean energy, said the US doesn t feel sorry for putting American jobs first. The EU thinks the US started a trade war by trying to be the leader in switching from dirty fossil fuels to clean energy. In August of last year, President Joe Biden s Inflation Reduction Act was approved by the US. This law offers significant assistance to businesses interested in creating renewable energy and constructing electric cars within the country. UK officials in Whitehall are worried that the Act will essentially prohibit the sale of UKproduced green c