Back Fire Short Film
Synopsis: A cocaine drug lord kidnaps the girlfriend of a very serious vigilante, the vigilante and his partner go out to rescue her. Unknown to them, is that the drug lord anticipated their arrival and is waiting for them. As a final battle takes place, loyalties are tested against the corrupting powers of money and drugs, to see who can come out on top. IGNITUS This short film was directed by Mohammad Nasiri and Milo Tian. Executive Producer: Ladavian Lee, CoProduced By: Levano, Kate Park, Fella Fallencia, Anna Shershneva Global Institute of Management and Economics, GIME. With collaboration of over 10 countries including Russia, Iran, Italy, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Mauritius, Kazakhstan, China, and England. Special thanks to Focus on Dalian and Vertex Visuals Filming. Ignitus Studios. Shot in 2015, Dalian, China.