Rest In Pain INVENTED HEAVEN. CD Leprosy Of Subconscious 2005. Psycho Death Metal
Rest In Pain INVENTED HEAVEN. CD Leprosy Of Subconscious 2005. Psycho Death Metal. Russian Death Metal. Yes, he didnt come to me from another world That beyond the horizon of mind I overcame myself suffering from the pain Barbed rain pouring from the sun I carried away ashes of my own onto a mountain Topless and with no name, no height Mesmerized by the light flame inside of me Paralyzed by immobility Bodies despaired of selves always touch Last walls, fingers of spirits still deceived Bodies despaired of earth always hear Entrails of a being putrefy, anticipate No, he stood on the high rock beyond the world A balance, weighing up the universe Those who scorned body and earth, lies and truth Who atoned, who invented heaven They were sick, tired and lost in the future Dying long for the expiation Mesmerized by the light flame inside of me Paralyzed by immobility Leprosy Of Subconscious Format: CD Released: 2005 Ru