Sims 4 Miraculous Alya and Nino Wedding and Baby is Coming
Sims 4 Miraculous La boda de Alya y Nina y el bebé se acerca Sims 4 Miraculous casamento de Alya e Nina e bebê está chegando Previous Episode MIRACULOUS ALYA AND NINO GOT ENGAGED TO TARTOSA , sims4babies, MiraculousLadybug, LadybugandCatNoir Timecodes 00:00 MIRACULOUS ALYA AND NINO GOT ENGAGED TO TARTOSA 01:40 guests arrive at Alya and Nino s wedding 02:37 Alya and Nino go to organize a wedding with their friends: Cake, bouquet, and wedding dress 03:55 Miraculous friends go to Tartosa beach 04:35 rehearsal wedding with family 05:27 Wedding start, something blue, something new and old 06:50 Alya and Nino exchange vows 07:16 first wedding kiss 07:37 wedding cake 08:20 first wedding dance 08:47 first wedding night 09:48 Alya is pregnant 10:44 Marinette and Adrien tell Alya and Nino about parenting 11:41 Alya arrived at her parents to anno