April 9 2021 The School District Declared a Snow Day
24 hours with an accumulation of 24. In normal circumstances, we would go to school like normal. Unfortunately, it was also blowing over 20 miles per hour and a balmy 18F. There were snow plows in the ditch and snow drifts over the guard rails out the highway. The city offices pleaded for people to stay off the roads so the plows could do their job. There was to be no school today. Sounds like a great day to fly a drone. Not my first day flying in snow, but the wind added a new challenge. Shot the drone up to the limited height only to watch it wobble on the screen. The wind was nearly unbearable. Got some great shots a lot lower. Wide pans. Played with the zoom feature; shooting the height of the spruce tree was a good example of the zoom, that was shot at 3x zoom. The drone was a good distance from the tree, but looked like it was going to crash a branch at any moment. Was glad I got out when I did, long before the snow plows. Soon all of town was buzzing with loaders and skid steers, By