This PC came from Space Project Final Video Case Mod World Series 2020
Project has landed. My entry for Case Mod World Series 2020 is a tower mod based on the C700M case. I wanted to tell a story with this project: the starship used for the space program ARES, comes in contact with some sort of organic alien technology, which starts to merge with the starship, covering the external structure and contaminating the propellant. This is visually identified in the colours used (blue and copper for the alien technology, aluminum and silver for the human technology), and the lines which are more curved for the alien technology, and straight for the human one. The three astronauts at the back, impersonated by the Hex reservoirs, look into the void while trying to communicate with the alien being. The front is a mirror which reflects the destination of the starship, the Copper Nebula, so called for the peculiar colour that appears to have. Eventually, the humans and aliens succeed in communicating and join each other in a common cause: survival. Back to reality: this project is