I Cant Feel You Evil Sam, Dean ( Supernatural)
Dean doesn t care about me. He just cares about his little brother Sammy burning in Hell. He ll kill me to get the other guy back Sam. 6x11. What do you think of my title box Evil sam LOL I can t really think of what else to call Season 6 Sam so far, even if we do know the reason he s acting that way (don t wanna post a spoiler even tho technically this video is full of season 6 spoilers) I m sure you all got this but I wanted to make it clear that I made this video with a very heavy WINCEST intention But I didn t do manips or anything so you can view this anyway you want But it was my intention to make this look as Wincesty as possible. This is dedicated to my darling darling friend Mishamaid who has made some awesome Supernatural videos herself I LOVE YOU MISHAMAID Song is Numb the Dubstep Remix by H320 Clips Used: Supernatural Season 6 CW Promo, Supernatural Season 1 through 6x11 Enjoy Copyright Note: I do not in any way claim ownership of Supe