Minecraft Pixel Art BB 8
SUBSCRIBE for More RocketZer0 A skittish but loyal astromech, BB8 accompanied Poe Dameron on many missions for the Resistance, helping keep his Xwing in working order. When Poes mission to Jakku ended with his capture by the First Order, BB8 fled into the desert with a vital clue to the location of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. He rejoined Poe and the service of the Resistance in time for the attack on Starkiller Base, then helped Rey locate Skywalkers planet of exile. Affiliations: The Resistance Height: 0. 67m Droid Type: Astromech Droid BE MY FRIEND: Instagram: Snapchat: MrRiley24 TikTok: MrRiley24 Twitter: XBOX: Mr Riley 24 PlayStation: MRRiley24 ROCKETZER0 SOCIALS