Behind the Scenes: Syndicate Crown 24. 1 Haley Adams Homecoming, Cross Fit NA EAST Semifinal Day 1
Semifinals are the final qualifying stage for athletes hoping to compete at the CrossFit Games. The top 40 individual men and 40 individual women from each region will compete in person at the CrossFit Semifinals. At the North America East Semifinal (Syndicate Crown), 11 Men 11 Women will move on to the final stage of the season: The CrossFit Games. For the 18th year, CrossFit is in search of the fittest. Starting with the worldwide Open, athletes will advance through several stages of competition before competing for the division championship. Athlete s who are competing at semifinals have qualified by being at the top of the Open Quarterfinals stage of competition in their region. Camera: Matt Souza Patrick Rios Will Branstetter Editor: Will Branstetter Produced by: Sevan Matossian