MGSV: Phantom Pain Shower with Quiet Easter Egg ( Metal Gear Solid 5)
Secret shower scene with Quiet in the game Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. If you go out on missions or side ops for many days and do not return to Mother Base, you will start getting flies buzzing near your head. This means you are dirty and need a shower. One way to trigger an easter egg scene with Quiet is to first get 100 bond with her, and then take her out on missions or side ops. Then go near a place on the map with no enemies and then leave the game running for a long time. Once you confirm that you have flies flying around your head, head back to Mother Base (but make sure Quiet is in the helicopter with you). If you arrive at any platform on Mother Base, Quiet will prevent Ocelot from dunking you with a bucket of water, and will instead take you to her holding cell and give you a personal shower Part 13 of a series of walkthroughs for Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience and MGS 5: Phantom Pain on PlayStation 4. Subscribe for more MGSV: Phantom Pain secrets, easter eggs,