DCS Cinematics : Bunker Buster
Filmed in DCS, mission from ACE COMBAT 7. All the player has to do look at the bunker and slide the missile right in ( ʖ ) DO NOT RANT ME IN THE COMMENTS ABOUT HOW UNREALISTIC THIS MISSION IS. GO ASK TO THE AC7 DEVELOPERS M13 has the best filler mission music. Change my mind. I m not implying nor advertising which aircraft is better (IRL f15e will be asswhooped so hard in dogfight against su35). Plus shooting down IRBMs with amraam irl is a joke. I m making these videos just because I m a huge fan of flight sim and ace combat series. Super thanks to authors of these user files Ace Combat Osean Air Defence Force AWACS Skins for E3 (Fanmade) Musudan ballistic missile (North Korea, Iran, China) modified (basically frankensteined) Ace Combat 124th Tactical Fighter Squ