Forever young cosmetologists secretly press this point and rejuvenate. Wrinkles will disappear
Hello, I m Doctor Alekseev a chiropractor, neurologist, and kinesiologist. Today I want to show you swelling on the face, and wrinkles and also tell you which points on your face need to be pressed and massaged so that they become smaller and disappear in the future. At the same time, I wish everyone to be healthy, to have no swelling and puffiness anywhere, no wrinkles but only a young and beautiful face. Do these exercises, and soon you will be able to see a pleasant result, and the sensations will be amazing after a combination of these exercises and massage. ,doctoralekseev, dralekseev, alekseev, swelling, wrinkles, youth Subscribe to my channel: Watch more videos: , alekseev, doctoralekseev, vision, eyes