Old Flying Story (1914 1919)
Old flying story. Location of events unknown. Pathe s title; Old Flying Story. ca 1919. Some good film; and fun; though sort of disjointed. Opens with shot of biplane flying overhead; then another flying across. Shot of air plane on ground; with RAF man standing in front smiling; speaking; as he makes cheerful gesture; swinging his fists; 2 guys in BG pilot climbing into plane; wind blowing his coat. CU man standing by door laughs; walks in. CU 2 men: one with heavy coat hood; holding clipboard and writing; as the other; middleaged guy watches; starts to take clipboard; but guy in hood grabs it back; laughing; calls to someone off screen. GV men pushing air plane; running behind wings tail. CU Pilot in cockpit; other men hand papers to him. Men loading bags in back of plane Front view plane; with several men lifting back end; they set it down; and run around it doing something. They gather in front pose in a row; then run forward. Crew checking tags on large bags and loading them in back