Trick or Treat in Blender 2. 9 3 D Modeling Process
Pumpkins Skulls Spiders, bats, treats and spider webs. Can t get enough of this stuff :) I focused again on making something, that would work on a website as a hero image. What do you think Download the Blender scene file on Patreon: Interested in making illustrations like this I made a course with a detailed explanation of my workflow and all the tricks. And you can use the SUSHIMASTER code at the checkout to get 40 off. Get yours here: Follow me on Instagram: for more 3D modeling and rendering process videos and low poly 3d illustration tutorials in Blender. Tracklist: Downstream by Lyvo Creative Commons Attribution 3. 0 Unported CC BY 3. 0 Free Download, Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library California by Soyb Amine Maxwell