What is it to play Lately, especially with the more recent space and time Ive had to be alone in my studio or around my house, I am asking myself to play more. My mind is easily excitable sometimes and leads itself to exhaustion on even the simplest of conception. So when I introduce a concept like this to the system of my mindemotionbody construct I do my best to reach a conclusion as quick as possible. First find evidence of where play has been expressed before for me, how I have allowed it to happen, and finally the quickest path to immediate integration. Lately this has been leading me to painting these confrontations with oblivion that you may see on my page. But last night and today I had on a playlist and this song by Kendall Miles came on a few times. I made the playlist so of course I had heard the song before, but this time it struck me. I was moved to immediately play with this song and make an Open Space edit that danced with it. So here it is. My most recent edit of a BEAUT