Dimash in Astana highlights
Youre the will, the spirit, the embodiment of dreams Shining bright in your heart is Love in its purest and most powerful form. Im not the kind that says forever But each moment spent here I would be true to my heart What the best way to accompany your journey is, I know not What I can do is only to admire you, believe in you and love you Thank you for always striving for the best Thank you for the inspiration that you are Hello again, my love, my soul, my favorite stranger Credit Dimash Dear Pan YouTube; SpearmintZ, daer静静子; 马布由碗王; Dimomomo Weibo bigtomatomin ; dimashrhapsody; dimashdqd ratbeko askarwhy erlanbekchurin Background song : I came to honor mortal life Dimash and Huang Xiaoyun This background music was created by combining 3 different parts extracted from the song Watch Full gorgeous performance on Dimash YouTube channel